Today we read some posts on a forum that were rather negative about older child adoption. We were discouraged for a minute. Then realizing that "through God all things are possible". We remembered that adoption is a battle. There will be doubts etc but sometimes when you are doing what God wants there are all kinds of obstacles to general we have been so fortunate to feel a great positive peace about things....
I have a wonderful online friend that I haven't met. Her name is Teresa. I met her through the Guatemala adoption forums. We became friends through prayer and the adoption of our girls in 2005 from Guatemala.
So today, Teresa gives us the news that her husband has surprised her and her dream is coming true of adopting from VIETNAM..This is what she wrote:
"When I got home today Daniel & Chloe had me a birthday present. I didn't think much about it because he is going to be out of town all next week.
I open it and it is the most beautiful vietnamese baby boy outfit I have ever seen and the receipt where he paid the initial fee for our agency.
I couldn't believe it! I have been praying about adopting for months but knew that we didn't have the money.
Daniel has been saying we should wait till Chloe is older and then maybe we are financially better off. (we are still paying for Chloe's adoption)
I haven't wanted to wait because she is going to be 3 in February and I don't want them to be to far apart.
I also believe that if it is truly the Lord's will then it will happen, that He will fund it. Well, I have just been praying for the Lord to show us what to do, praying that my sweet friend DJ who is now adopting from Ethiopia was given a sign too. (like Chloe's flashing neon sign) or that he would give my friend Wendy that certain scripture telling us exactly what to do.
Daniel told me today with tears in his eyes after I opened my gift that he has known for weeks but has been trying to hold off till my birthday. He said one night late while praying he told the Lord that he just didn't know. That he didn't know if another child would be like Chloe, that he knew we couldn't afford it and he just didn't know. He said the Lord spoke to him that night so clearly it was like He was right there beside him and He said "I did it one time, don't you think I can do it again?"
Praise The Lord we are adopting from Vietnam!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""
CoNGRATS to Teresa and Daniel...and all of their kids....we are meeting in person this summer...can't wait...and thank you God for the encouragement.