
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ethiopian Concert!

The concert was really long but fun...I think once I realized that I needed to be on Ethiopian Standard time i settled into the 3 hour concert fine. It started at 6 but no one showed up until 6:45. My Nigerian girlfriend ADEOLA showed up looking fantastic and told me that everyone knows that when the Ethiopians say 6 it means 6:45. I said "I didn't know that ".....So we brought the kids and were lucky to keep the little ones in a nursery. Our songs went well but I didn't wear the ethiopian outfit because my girls nixed it the minute they saw me in it...I don't know why but they did not want me in the outfit and made a point of telling me that I should have something custom made instead. The girls recognized many songs and were even able to understand my amharic after I was tutored....that made me feel better since I was going to be singing "I'll FLY AWAY" amharic style in front of 200 ethiopian people.....I got a few thumbs up but not sure if they were just being polite or were actually serious...anyhow...I now can sing a hymn in amharic and find that a fun little piece of trivia to throw out about myself every now and then. Life is good with the kids. They are settling in so well and Ella was wearing my wig today...i was forced to buy a wig when my girlfriend and fellow singer (who is african american and knows how to fix hair) told me that when we work in FLORIDA or in a hot tent "Honey you must get a wig...your hair looks awful." So I have the wig and Ella found it because she can sniff out hair even if it is buried 30 feet under the ground...she asked if she could wear it to school tomorrow and I said "NO WAY!" she will have to deal with her own hair. If she grows up to be a singer I will let her buy as many FLORIDA (bad hair) wigs as she wants but she won't show up in my RICKY'S NY wig at her elementary school tomorrow...Sometimes a mom has to put her foot down...oh and PS...i discovered bunco last night and I am a total queen at dice...someone should take me to VEGAS.....OH YEAH...Mark and I celebrated our 21st anniversary on Sat...i said to him "hey we are finally legal at 21."


Beth in NC said...

LOL ... the Ella sniffing out hair comment!! And I insist that you post a picture of the wig (ha). I'd love to see it!!!

Also, I thought the concert was sweet (and I agree, I was surprised at the length). I do wish I could have seen you in the outfit before the kids 'nixed' it. :o)

Love ya!