
Sunday, November 30, 2008


We had a jam session during clean up on Thanksgiving. Ella played a few solos on the piano and then we had my brother in law play the sax, Mark on piano, my sisters playing and singing. It was great. At one point Ella was on my lap and started crying. The more I get to know her the more joy I feel in my heart. She is so delightful and naturally funny that I can't seem to get enough of her. So she is really crying and turns to me and says..."My mom tell me before she die...never ever forget this song." I say "what song?" She says "Bingo was his name O"..I said "Really?" she is still crying and cuddling with me...She said "Yes, she say is my favorite song." I want to never forget it...and then Grace came by and smacked her on the head and said "No she didn't lie." And then Ella smacked her back and kicked her and I will never know if their mother really did love BINGO as her favorite song.....