First off, I want to point out that I set up this blog sort of as a fun informative blog discussing our family and adoption issues. I do have a big heart for pro life issues because I am a post abortive woman. But I had intentionally separated the topic and kept most of my pro life/post abortive commentary on my REVIVING MOTHERS blog as well as my MOTHERHOODINREALTIME blog. I did this because I am well aware that the issues on choice/vs LIFE are very contentious. When I posted the note on MYAH I really in retrospect wish I would have posted it on my pro life blog. I stand by my opinion on Myah being an incredible mother but also have decided to stick with my original plan on keeping these topics on the other blogs. I do know at times they will spill over a little...which is totally fine but I will be more intentional in the future. I think the debate will continue for a long time and just prefer this blog remain HAPPY!!!!
This past Thanksgiving my diverse family of pro choicers/pro lifers, chrisitans/unitarians/baba lovers, democrats/republicans/independants had a fantastic Thanksgiving together because we made an agreement to not discuss Obama/McCain topics or anything that could divide us. Consider this blog the dining room table, the controversial conversations can go here (in the study with the cigars and cordials) Reviving Mothers and Motherhood in Real the future I welcome debate on those sites from all sides but attacks will not be permitted here in the DINING ROOM of Injera, hotdogs and Guacamole. You will be sent to the study whether you like it or not. I will however post a notification of a political topic with a link to the other sites here should any of you want to go there and if I think it is appropriate. In the meantime, I will continue updating you on my wonderful family. Many blessings and much love...
Ha ... you are too cute. Maybe everyone will behave.
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