
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More Love Letters!

Okay..I am just about undone with the blessings that still are pouring into us from God himself. I just received two sweet letters from Ejigayehu. One is to us and the other is to Grandma and Grandpa (Shirley and Barney). What a delight it is to sweet talk eachother from across the globe.

Dear my Grandma and Grandpa,
How are you. Tank you for the leter. I very love you. I love dog. When I came american I want allways see you. I pray for you Ok. You can call me Eigi . Love Eigi....

Isn't that a sweet letter. Just want to say we still need to talk to her before we nickname her or rename her...See what they are calling her now. What their preferences are etc.

Okay here is the letter to our family.

Dear My Family,

How are you. I am good. I love you, I am praying for you ok. Pelys mom and Dad come to and pick we up at Layla. I want to sing with you and pray at church with you. I very love songs. I want you come to Layla soon. I get many leter from you. Tank you OK...kidist and Yared and me all love You....Ejigayehu Falchook

MY GOODNESS I am just over the moon with these sweet letters and just wanted to share.