Many of you know that my Ethiopian children do not have a picture of their mother who passed away 4 years ago. Her name was Bayoush. When we met their grandmother in Ethiopia she said she forgot to bring the picture. Grace says there are many pictures of her mother at her grandmother's home. Ella cries because she was so young when her mom died but seems to be grieving the most. One day a few months ago Grace stood frozen at the California Pizza Kitchen because she saw a woman that reminded her of her mom. If you think back to when you were 4 or 5 you have these memories of your mother but many of the memories were of experiences and feelings, if you didn't have the pictures you may forget. Ella is afraid she has forgotten what her mom looks like. Jared was a baby and doesn't know or remember any other mother but me and his grandmother whom he called Amaya. It makes me so sad to think of what it would be like to try really hard in your little memory to remember her eyes, her lips, her hands. Ella can remember very vividly the day her mother died. She was there. I hate to think that the most striking memory of her mother is remembering how she coughed and then didn't wake up again.
We are determined to get pictures and an angel friend of mine...CARLA is going over to Ethiopia to get her sweet children. Follow her trip through the link called CARLA'S BLOG on the side. She also feels compelled to travel the distance and spend one of her days going over the meadow, through the woods, past dusty african villages, without a cell phone, without much information but armed with a ton of faith to Grandmother's house to try to find a picture of Bayoush for Ella to place above her bed. Please pray for Carla this week. Please pray that God moves mountains to accomplish this task. I know if it doesn't happen this time we will try again. But it just warms my heart to know that someone would be willing to rough it to try to make a dream come true for these kids. I am not telling the children that this is happening but want to ask all of you to pray with all of your hearts and souls for Carla and Morgan (her daughter) to have a safe trip and that the Holy Spirit and many angels accompany them. Carla is also being an angel to some of my other friends. She is delivering formula and visiting other orphanages over there too.....God bless her....and ANDREW IF YOU ARE READING THIS ...if you tell Ella, Jared or Grace about this Santa will leave a big hunk of coal in your stocking......
I pray God will lead your friend and direct her steps. What an awesome Christmas present if you guys pull this off.
I am praying!
Love you,
Yes, I will pray that your Ella receives her mother's photograph. My recently adopted Ethiopian daughter (9) - home in 8/08 told me two nights ago that she HAD a photo of her and her little brother - our 3 year old Ethiopian son - and that the "mommy" at the first orphanage took it. We are also praying that it will be found and this precious piece of their lives will be returned to them. I have loved reading your blog so much. It has encouraged, inspired and lifted me up when at times these days I am just plumb exhausted. Thank you and God bless you, Judith (mom to 18 year old bio son, 6 year old bio daughter and 8 year old adopted daughter and her 3 year old brother - home August '08.
Yes, I will pray that your Ella receives her mother's photograph. My recently adopted Ethiopian daughter (9) - home in 8/08 told me two nights ago that she HAD a photo of her and her little brother - our 3 year old Ethiopian son - and that the "mommy" at the first orphanage took it. We are also praying that it will be found and this precious piece of their lives will be returned to them. I have loved reading your blog so much. It has encouraged, inspired and lifted me up when at times these days I am just plumb exhausted. Thank you and God bless you, Judith (mom to 18 year old bio son, 6 year old bio daughter and 8 year old adopted daughter and her 3 year old brother - home August '08.
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