
Thursday, December 4, 2008

This is a PIG!

I made bacon this morning for breakfast. Andrew my resident expert on almost everything decided to make sure my Ethiopian children knew what they were eating....SO, he starts to say. "You are eating pig." Then the girls scream...Ella starts to gag...and then he talks about how they take pig meat and first make ham and then hot dogs with pig garbage and that bacon is pretty much the same... the girls look at him totally perplexed. Jared could care less and would like "more bacon please!!!" And then the girls rush to me saying "Mom no...not pig." I say "Yes Pig." and then Andrew makes a point of also letting them know that burgers are COW....(one of Grace's ethiopian pets was a cow named Shibir). And all the while I am trying to pack 4 lunches, sign permission slips and finish scrambling eggs....Oh well...typical entertaining and funny morning in our household...


Beth in NC said...

LOL ... I'm glad you're recording this stuff. Your kids will get a good kick out of these stories someday.

Love you!