
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Matea and Mommy!

Eventually we are morphing our blogs together to our book website that will be launched when we release TO BE A MOTHER. I just wanted to get my feet wet with the video thing so I hope you guys don't mind my using you guys as guinea pigs. Book is set to be edited starting next week. Then into production and then I hope to be out promoting the book....New website/blog (which will include this one and Reviving mothers-only with a facelife) will follow . So probably looking at the summer.


Beth in NC said...

That was too cute! You have to show me how you did that. Ok? I am technically challenged sometimes.

You look 23 which is totally unfair! :o)

I am so thankful Matea threw Sarah's name in there at the end. I was getting concerned. Ha.

Love ya,

kristikay said...

love it! love reading all of your entries, but now we get to see the beautiful faces too!