Monday, January 26, 2009
Do they Remember?
I know I talk about my Ethiopian children so much on this blog. I know Grace remembers her mom but Jared doesn't remember her and Ella does not remember her face. Well Matea (my Guatemalan daughter) lately has been extremely clingy to me and afraid when I leave or that she will lose my love. I am constantly reassuring her. She really hates it when I cuddle with Jared. Well it dawns on me that she may actually be afraid of losing another mother. Granted I have been her mom since she was 8 months old (she is now 3 and a half). Still, her birth mother gave her up at birth and then at 8 months was given to us by her foster mother. Still, I wonder if somewhere in her little heart she remembers when her foster mother handed her off to Mark. Imagine a little 8 month old all of the sudden in the arms of complete strangers. It has to be really scary. Matea has adjusted so well but I find that she does need extra reassurance. What do they remember? We speak freely to Matea about her adoption and she is proud of where she comes from but I also know that like all adopted children she will always have a longing to see her mom one day or just know more......I know she loves us with all of her sweet little heart...but I also know that as long as her mom is alive in Guatemala she will long to see her one day. It doesn't bother me...I just hope we can find her when she is old enough to visit. I also pray she stays healthy and safe and that Matea will be able to get many pictures of her Guatemalan family to keep with her at home in NC.
Bless her Lord!
From the day our Princess could talk, she always says when I return from even an hour trip, "I KNEW YOU'D COME BACK MOMMY! I JUST KNEW IT!" Talk about breaking your heart! It tears BL up! As you know, our little one was just a few days old when she came into our lives, but somehow her little spirit understood that a "Mom" left and didn't return. Those little spirits were alive and well even thought the flesh wasn't old enough to connect the dots.
Little princess girl still hasn't been interested in the adoption talk -- yet.
Deanna, I'm a longtime reader of your blog and live over in Greensboro. Another blog I read religiously is "Party of 5".
This family got their twin boys from Haiti at 8 months also, and Heather has blogged about this very issue. While it's clear that their boys are well-adjusted and loved in every way, the express the same insecurity that Matea is expressing to you.
No answers really, just another person who can relate to what you're experiencing.
Thank you for blogging.
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