
Sunday, December 2, 2007


Don't mean to be a prayer hog...but if you can click the comment button and pray for us and our kids we would really appreciate it. We are very worried about our case and have no information due to the poor communication at our agency. My ethiopian friend has offered to have his mom Selamawit in Addis to go to the orphanage or call asking them to email me an update....usually this happens through the adoption agency...any opinions...I am thinking it might be way too pushy and they probably wouldn't give her the info anyhow....we just want to know where we stand regarding court etc.....I have cried alot this week and even screamed out very ticked off at GOd...I have even questioned whether I had been misled in my believing He wanted us to do this (after all wouldn't it have gone smoothly then). I know it is all crazy but I need to glide on the faith of friends and family right now because I am fresh please pray ...we do not want our new potential children to have their hearts broken by having this adoption jeopardized in some way....
Prayers please....


Erica said...

Praying for your family and your children in Ethiopia as well.

LISA said...

I know it's hard to keep the faith when things aren't going the way we think they should.My all time favorite belief is, LET GO AND LET GOD.
Praying for you and your family.

Quinn Girls said...

I'm so sorry you are going through this. How terrible. I am praying you will have your children in your arms soon.

Hoffbeauty said...

Lord, I pray for Deanna and her family, that You would sustain them as they wait for good news from the Ethiopian courts. I pray that on Wednesday, their case would pass review easily and that they would soon receive news that these precious little people are officially theirs. And if not, will you give them faith to trust You until they do? We give you the glory, and we continue to entrust these children to you, for you love them most of all!