
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Extra prayers!

Please give us some extra prayers. I am just about losing any patience I have left especially after these two new letters. It would appear that somehow the kids thought we were coming last week...dressed up and then we weren't there...WAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

on the plus side...the note I received from Ejigayehu was amazing. She mentions something from the bible about "wiseness comes from the fear of God"....Prior to adopting the one thing that committed us was a vision I had about being face to face with God and Him saying "why didn't you do the one thing I wanted...which was to adopt" i recall telling someone that that was the one time I really experienced the fear of God. And I didn't want to ever come face to face with Him and have to tell Him why I didn't obey...It really is no coincidence that this is my daughter. Somehow God has connected us and she even somehow is unknowingly aware of my past visions...incredible.

Letter from Ejigayehu
To my dear family (the one I love),
How are you? I am doing good. So is Kidist, Yared and Leni(who is Leni??)? How about you all? I always thank God and pray all the time. I hope you know how much I love you. I can’t wait until you come. I was looking for a sister and a brother and I found both. I love you. Until we see each other again, I would like to leave you with one verse from the bible: “ the beginning of wiseness is the fear of God” (sorry translator didn't remember the exact saying in English)
Bye, I love you

Letter from Melkam
How are you doing? I am doing great. We were ‘faked’ this week. We were told a family was going to come and we thought it was you. So we all got together, did Ejigayehu’s and Kidist’s hair, Martha, Yared and I dressed up, with Kidist wearing the T shirt you brought for her, and were awaiting for your arrival anxiously. We then found out that it was a different family coming.
We had a great time for thanksgiving. Everyone in our house went to Sheraton, and had a big feast with great food and music. How did you spend your thanksgiving?
From Melkam and Martha


Lisa said...

I read your post on Ethiopia Adopt and I feel just terrible about your delays. Not knowing what is going on is the worst!! I hope you get your kiddos home real soon.

I'll be watching and hope you hear good news real soon.
