
Monday, November 26, 2007

Letter and minor update!


The recent update is that our case was to be submitted to court last friday. And the communication to Ethiopia is down so we may not hear anything until this Friday. I am about to go bonkers......We are not sure it was sumitted just that the attorney was 'going to" submit it on Friday and because of the email being down we may not know anything until this friday......AARRGGHHH! I need to scream and bite something.......Anyhow, in the is a new cute letter from Ejigayehu....our closing date of our new house is now....1/10....and I received more sweet love letters today that I haven't had translated yet...

To my beloved family,

How are you? I am doing good. I can’t wait until you come. My favorite foods include cake, chocolate and ice cream(she tells me this in every letter....I wonder how she would feel about chocolate carvel cake..yum). I am glad that you are my family. I like dolls a lot. AAI is very beautiful??? I enjoy receiving your letters. We celebrated Ethiopian millennium at AAI. We made bon fires. AAI kids are my best friends and I love them all. I like the subjects Math and English and everything else. I love the back bag you sent me. I would like to get another one if you can (not sure what she is planning to do with it --but seems to have a purse fettish like Samantha ) Meskerem and Hermela are my friends.
Ok, until we see each other again or until we write another letter to each other, bye. I love you all. Please continue to write to me.

I love you,
